Monday, February 23, 2015

Review: How It Ends by Laura Wiess

Book: How it ends
Author: Laura Wiess
Rating: 5 out of 5 stars

All Hanna's wanted since sophomore year is Seth. She's gone out with other guys, even gained a rep for being a flirt, all the while hoping cool, guitar- playing Seth will choose her. Then she gets him - but their relationship is hurtful, stormy and critical, not at all what Hanna thinks a perfect love should be. Bewildered by Seth's treatment of her and in need of understanding, Hannah decides to fulfill her school's community service requirement by spending time with Helen, her terminally ill neighbor, who she's turned to for comfort and wisdom throughout her life. But illness has changed Helen into someone Hanna hardly knows, and her home is not the refuge it once was. Feeling more alone than ever, Hanna gets drawn into an audiobook the older women is listening to, a fierce, unsettling love story of passion, sacrifice, and devotion. Hanna's fascinated by the idea that such all- encompassing love can truly exist, and without her even realizing it, the story begins to change her. 
Until the day when the story becomes all too real.... and Hanna's world is spun off it's axis by it's shattering, irrevocable conclusion. 

This book had me wondering until the very end. After reading this book I was crying so hard. I wanted so much for a happy ending to happen just like the narrator did but we both got what we deserved, a good ending. This is a book that is completely different then I have ever read. I am glad that I sat down and really read this book. I soaked every word up and still didn't realize how it was going to end. But I guess that's how it ends. Realizing now that this book was written to tell a tale that showed what life was all about. Keeping promises and love. The love that was shown in here between Lon and Helen was what true love is. Even though some of the things that were done may not seem like love, it was done for everyone's own good. This book also allowed the reader to recognize with Hanna. Her and Seth were bad from the beginning. I think every teenage girl has gone through that moment when we think that we were made for this one person but in reality it was doomed. This is a must read book. If you don't pay attention sometimes you could get confused but as long as you know what side of the story you are reading you should be good. This book dared to go where no one else has gone, and I applaud that. Laura Wiess is a writer to look out for. Can't wait to read more of her books!

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